Thursday, October 6, 2011

الناشطة بيوش هاقوسGood by Bayush Hasgus

A woman killed in her Burnaby apartment last week is being remembered as an indiscriminately caring and compassionate woman who opened her home and heart to anyone in need.
Bayush Hagos, 57, was found dead in her apartment around 6: 30 a.m. on Sept. 1. Police had been called to the residence, located at 4134 Maywood St., east of Central Park, for a domestic dispute.
Inside, officers found Hagos dead and another woman injured. The Integrated Homicide Investigation Team is now handling the investigation.
The injured woman remained in hospital being "medically assessed ... with non-lifethreatening injuries" as of Wednesday afternoon, said IHIT spokeswoman Jennifer Pound. Police say the woman is a suspect, but has not been charged.
While police are investigating an alleged dispute between the two women, it is not believed to be a domestic one, Pound said. Ken Campbell met Hagos about 20 years ago through his wife, who worked with Hagos at the Vancouver and Lower Mainland Multicultural Family Support Services. Hagos began working there as a counsellor shortly after arriving from Ethiopia in the late 1980s, he said. Campbell was most taken by her openness and willingness to help everyone - particularly those in the Ethiopian community.
"Either she sponsored them directly or through her church, or she helped them find a place to live, she got them some funding, she got them housing, she got them schooling, she got them a doctor," Campbell said.
"You need something, you go to Bayush. She's everybody's mother."
Campbell recalled thinking as much when he, his wife and another friend travelled to Ethiopia with Hagos in 2005.
"I remember we were in a hair salon, and in walked this man - and I work in mental health, so I could recognize his disorder - who was completely, floridly psychotic at the time," Campbell said. "And the girls were just totally laid back about his being there. They just saw it as their job to look after him.
"That seemed to be the situation throughout Ethiopia: There's zero infrastructure, zero government supports. People just looked after each other." Hagos was involved in a 2003 report about abused immigrant women titled Assisting Immigrant Women Abused by Their Sponsors, which was put out by the B.C. Institute Against Family Violence.
A Fort St. John woman out on bail on charges of attempting to kill her husband has been charged with murdering a Burnaby community worker who gave her shelter.
Ayelech Zenebe Ejigu, 41, made a first appearance in Vancouver Provincial Court Thursday on a charge of the second-degree murder of Bayush Hagos, a counsellor with the Vancouver and Lower Mainland Multicultural Family Support Services. Ejigu’s Fort St. John trial for attempted murder, aggravated assault and assault with a weapon was adjourned in August and a judge there altered her bail conditions on Aug. 22, which allowed her to stay at Hagos’s Burnaby home.
On Sept. 1, police were called to Hagos’s apartment at 4134 Maywood St., near Central Park, and found the beloved community worker dead and Ejigu wounded.
Sgt. Jennifer Pound, of the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team, said the case is heartbreaking, as Hagos only allowed Ejigu to stay with her temporarily because she couldn’t find any other accommodation.
“It is extremely tragic,” Pound said Friday. “This is a case where she just wanted to reach out and help this woman because she didn’t have a place to stay.”
Both women immigrated to Canada from Ethiopia and spoke the same language, but only met when Hagos was called to the Surrey Pre-trial Services Centre several months ago to interpret for Ejigu. Shashi Assanand, executive director of the agency where Hagos worked for 19 years, said everyone is devastated by the murder and at a loss to understand why Hagos took in a client, which is against agency policy.
“We never knew the woman was staying with her at all. There is a very clear guideline that we don’t even give out our cell numbers, let alone our home numbers,” Assanand said.
“We get threats because we do anti-violence work and our staff are advocates for women and children.”
She said the society wouldn’t normally work with a client charged in a violent crime, but since no one else spoke Ejigu’s language, Hagos was called in to help. Hagos also believed the woman now charged with killing her was a victim of domestic violence, Assanand said.
“The only reason she was there was because there was nobody who could interpret,” Assanand said. “In the beginning, she came to me and I said to her, ‘Other professionals — it is their case. You are never a primary case worker here. You only interpret — and that is your role.’”
She doesn’t know why other agencies didn’t follow up with Ejigu, but suggested Hagos must have ended up feeling responsible for the woman.
Assanand was away during the summer months when Hagos told co-workers that she was struggling to find housing for Ejigu. The society is reviewing the file to try to understand why Hagos made the fatal call to secretly take in Ejigu.
“I am thinking that her own conscience wouldn’t have allowed her to just leave [Ejigu] in a lurch,” Assanand said.
She said there is a general lack of support for people like Ejigu with a multitude of issues, including mental health problems and language barriers.
“If you take them to any shelter, if you take them to mental health, nobody takes the responsibility,” she said.
“The woman is from her community and Bayush is very warm-hearted and outgoing and kind and even if there is a person on the street or a stray dog, she would take them in.”
She hopes other agencies also review what happened to ensure any mistakes are not repeated.
“They were all involved ... it was their responsibility,” Assanand said. “How on earth and when on earth did it become our worker’s responsibility? I have no idea.”
Const. Jackelynn Passarell, of Fort St. John RCMP, said Ejigu was originally taken into custody on June 2, 2010, on the attempted murder allegations.
She said bail was initially granted on March 25, with “lots of conditions.”
The trial had been slated for two weeks in August, but “they needed additional time,” Passarell said.
“So at that point there was a modification made on Aug. 22 to her recognizance — a judge made a modification varying some of the conditions, such as her address.”
The continuation date of the attempted murder trial has not yet been fixed, she said.
Hagos was like a mother to the local Ethiopian community, Assanand said, and the society is doing what it can to support her many friends. A celebration of her life is being held today at 1 p.m. at the Renfrew Community Centre in east Vancouver.
Assanand said she also has brought in trauma counsellors for Hagos’s colleagues, who work as advocates for victims of domestic violence and are struggling to cope with their own loss. “We have been working through the sadness of it all and how do we deal with it,” she said. “This is my biggest nightmare.”

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الناشطة بيوش هاقوسGood by Bayush Hasgus
بقلم / لبني مكلي
قيبتك المنية عنا ولكل انسان اجل ولكن كيف ومتي هذا في علم الغيب والنهاية بالخواتيم 
بيوش هاقوس أثيوبية الاصل وتعتبر من المهاجرين الذين لهم باع في مجال العمل الاجتماعي والانساني  تعتبر امرأة فوق العادة فهي الام الحنون لكل أفريقي والاخت والصديقة والمستشاره الناجحه لم يغيرها الزمن ولم تبدلاها الأوضاع الاجتماعيه امراة مرحة ضحوك مثل يقتدي به ، دافعت عن حقوق المرأة والأسره كانت تحمل رساله "لا ظلم للمرأة" وبما دافعت عنه وجدتها حتفها فيه  ....

هاجرت من موطنها الام (إثيوبيا ) وحطت اولي  رحالها  بالسودان وعملت في مجال السياحة والسكرتاريه والأمم المتحدة قضت حينا من االذمن  بالسودان فتعلمت اللغة العربيه دخلت كندا وحطت رحالها بمدينة فانكوفر العظيمه في عام ١٩٨٧ واصبحت كنديه بالتجنس في عام ١٩٩١م .
بدات بيوش اولي خطوات نجاحها في مدينة فانكوفر بالعمل الطوعي في عدة امكان منها دور العجزه فانت المتفانيه في ذلك لاكثر من 17سنه

بيوش لم تنسي اصلها واهلها وكانت نموزج  يقتدي به في التمسك بالأصل والعادات والتقاليد لم يغيرها او يبعدها كونها من المتأهلات عمليا اهلها وناسها كانت المشجع المتفاني في كل القضايا الافريقيه والعربيه برغم عدم تمكنها من العربيه التام الا انها قدمة الكثير للعرب في وقت لم يكن للعرب وجود يذكر ولا كوادر عامله كثيره  حينذاك  فلم تبخل علي اي عربي او مهاجر يطرق بابها طالبا  للعون  علي المستوي الشخصي او العام ......
عملت في عدة اماكن ذات تأثير فعال،كاي أسس وفاست (ISS,VAST) ومنذ ١٩ عاما تعمل بمكتب برنبي ملتي كلشر
 (Burnaby Multicultural)  كمستشاره للمرأة ومناهضه لعدم ا لعنف ضد المرأة ... وضعها لم يكن  مجرد عمل بل كان ترابط انساني وتجانس وهدف نبيل قدمت فيه اسمي معاني التضحيه والتسامح والنصح لمن  يحتاج التقويم لأجل حياة مستقره وخاصة  للمراة وأسرتها

 كانت تعمل بتجرد وتمنح كل ذي حاجه  حاجته وتعين ما استطاعة اليه من يد العون علي المستوي العملي والشخصي لم تبخل بجهدها العملي او الشخصي عن رد مظالم النساء او الرجال كل علي حده وكانت تسعي  لرفع مستوي المهاجرين لم تبخل بيد عونها المادي والعيني والروحي في مساعدة المهاجرين وعلي وجه الخصوص الجالية  الإثيوبية وكانت ذات ولاء كبير للشعب السوداني الذي منحها الإنتماء اثناء وجودها كلاجئيه فيه.

 بذلت المرأة الغالي والنفيس في وحدة الجاليه الافريقيه والعربيه  ولقد كنت شاهدة عليان علي  مجهوداتها من اوائل هذا القرن
 (2001-2011) وكان همها رفع مستوي معيشة خاصة للمرأة الافريقيه والعربيه وكان شغلها الشاغل هو الدعم النفسي للمرأة وفي أخر كل لقاء لنا كان في 27/8/2011  اي قبل وفاتهل بي حوالي 4 ايام  كانت لم تتغير في مبادئها وتتكرر لي " في مالذي يمكن فعله لرفع مستوي المرأة علي المستوي الفكري والمادي" . 

اذا تعتبر هي نموزج للمهاجر  الذي اسهم في تتطور المجتمع الكندي من خلال عمل مرموق وبالفعل اصبحت قدوة لنا نحن معشر النساء فاقد كانت ا دوما تنصح وتدعو للتعليم وكانت تذكرلي مرارا " التعلم يفتح الأبواب" وأحرصي يالبني علي التعلم الرأسي (الدراسات العليا) وكانت تحفز بكل انواع التحفيز ان تري المرأة في احسن وضع ولقد كانت إنسانه متفانيه .... اذكر في كثير من الاحيان كانت تؤكل لي اعمال كان  بإمكانها فعلها ولكن لقرض ان يتحسن وضعي المالي ترسلني بدلا عنها وهذا قمة الفناء والتضحية  .

فبكل هذه السماحة والإصالة  رحلت عنا وقيبها الموت القهري عنا  في حادثة كانت الفاجعه الكبري والشيء الغير متوقع ان تقتلها امراة  ؟؟؟!!!! وهي التي كانت شمعة تحترق لاأجل النساء ....

 لقد  صارت سمواتنا جدبا  بل  يباب  بعد ان كنتي شجرة وريفة الظلال لم تبخل بان يستظل بها كل من احرقتهم نيران الغربه  ويحتاجون لاتكأة نفسيه في ظل محبتها ....... فلقد كانت تحتوي الجميع بغض النظر عن جنس ونوع  وعمر ...... رحلت عنا ولم تترك غير ذكري شذيه ورمزا للتسامح والروعة في جبين كل امرأة بفانكوفركانت  بالقرب منها خلال رحلتها فهي حقا فخر للامة الافريقية والعربيه .

ما يجعلني اكثر رضا يارفيقت الدرب والاخت والصديقة انك اليوم بطلة رحلت الكفاح وما شاهدته لمنذ لحظة وفاتك وتألف الناس علي صدي ذكراك والعدد المهول اثناء تأبينك اكد لي انك خالده فينا ما بقينا علي هذه االأرض  لن ينساك الا كل جاحد للجميل والعرفان نامي اليوم ياغاليه والي سموات الخالد أريحي هذا الجسد المتعب وبأذن من نهوي انتي في جنات الخلد ياملاكي وما تلك الجموع الغفيرة وما قيل عنك يؤكد انك لم تكوني بشر بل كنت ملاك

وكما يقول السودانيون" يارب  يوم شكرنا ما يجي "  فكان شكرك مدحا وامتنانا وآلم وحسرة لم عرفوك اخت أوأم أوصديقه أورفيقة درب  لله درك لله درك يابيوش وسنعدك سنواصل المشوار علي صدي ذكراك الخالدة فالي جنات الخلد ياملاكي ....
Good by my sis rest in peace

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